Blog Banter!!!!!

Welcome to the latest installment of Blog Banter, the monthly blogging extravaganza created by bs angel and coordinated by Game Couch. Blog Banter involves our cozy community of enthusiastic gaming bloggers, a common topic, and a week to post articles pertaining to said topic. The results are quite entertaining and can range from deep insight to ROFLMAO. Any questions about Blog Banter should be directed here. Check out other Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

This months topic is ” What game would you see a modern re-make of and why?”

If I had to pick any game that I would want to give a modern re-make is Zelda: A Link in the Past. Out of all the old games I used to play this one is my favorite. I think that it would be really awesome to see this game with this generations graphics. It would still have the same story, just upgrades with the game play and graphics. This would be a really awesome idea if more games like Zelda had a modern re-make.

I think this wouls also bring more people into the olde games. I think the younger gamers or people just getting into gaming would love to play the re-makes. I believe they would love the games and get into the serier and start playing other zelda games and also other old games.

Here are the other people that joined me in writing about a game they would want to see have a modern re-make!
Lou Chou Loves You: Blade Runner
Zath!: Sid Meier’s Re-Colonization
XboxOZ360: Eternal Darkness
Silvercublogger: Mario Paint
Unfettered Blather: Mech my day
Save in Progress: Earthworm Jim
MasterKitty’s Weblog: Zelda: A Link to the Past
Game Couch: Tass Times in Tone Town
Crazy Kinux: The modern re-make of a game
Delayed Responsibility: Crossover Triples, Taking You to School


Blog Banter

Welcome to the latest installment of Blog Banter, the monthly blogging extravaganza created by bs angel and coordinated by Game Couch. Blog Banter involves our cozy community of enthusiastic gaming bloggers, a common topic, and a week to post articles pertaining to said topic. The results are quite entertaining and can range from deep insight to ROFLMAO. Any questions about Blog Banter should be directed here. Check out other Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

In my opinion I love any game no matter what their rating. If I like the game idea and game play, I would play it no matter if they got a 2 rating or a 10 rating. A lot of people have different ideas on how games rate. For example one person might rate it a 10 and another person might think it deserves a 8. I think don’t think we should worry about the people that rate games because it is what they think about the game and not what you think.

You could have a very different opinion and have different ideas from the people that have the rating. There are a lot of people that would disagree with me. There are a lot of people that would only play 8 to 10 rated games. I think those people need to play low rated games so they can appreciated all different type of games. I have two ideas about the rating system that can help change this.

One is I would get rid of the rating system. I don’t believe that there should be one because if there was no rating on the game a lot of people would probably buy more different style games. Two I think they should change the rating of games. I think they should be a little less strict and easier on the ratings. I would love to see more games with lower ratings.

Here are all the people who joined me in writing about this topic.
Participants : Zath!, Delayed Responsibility, Silvercublogger,, Crazy Kinux, Gamer-Unit, Unfettered Blather, MasterKitty, Game Couch


